Mars enters Sagittarius

The Archer wants to remind us that rules are meant to be either broken or discovered, now that Mars has entered her sign of Sagittarius, tempting us to not see the same boundaries that everyone else does.

The energy from this transit feels so expansive and powerful, as we are now filled with optimistic motivation.

We’ll start to see opportunities where we had hoped and possibilities where we couldn't see any before. In Sagittarius, Mars has both the vision and drive to attract, create, and chase whatever it is we desire.

This transit’s objective is to teach the collective how important it is to take it all in. Ride to the depths of truth and discover/learn everything our minds can comprehend.

We may feel less focused on the present moment during this transit, as Sagittarius is known for being extremely impulsive. Meaning we are more likely to take risks during this time and hope for the best.

There’s something about the way Sagittarius Season just brings a sparkle to everyone's eyes, especially when Mars conjuncts Mercury. Our thoughts will fill with optimism as we look towards our future. It won’t matter how we get there as long as we get there fast.

This newfound confidence can push us to enter new territories unplanned and without fear. However, we must try to remember everything in moderation from here on, before Mars squares Saturn right before we enter December.

Mars in Sagittarius is also the perfect time to travel both mentally and physically. We have this urge to explore everything this life can offer.

We’ll open our minds to understand people, places, feelings, knowledge, beliefs, philosophies, and everything. Traveling, reading, learning/trying something new, meeting new people, spending time with people from other cultures, etc.

All of these new experiences will help expand both our minds and our hearts, as we’ll realize that there is so much more to be discovered and so very little that we know.

We’re here to connect and experience. The more we seek to know, the more we’ll understand ourselves and others.


Mercury in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces


Full Moon in Gemini