Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Venus in Scorpio

This beautifully harmonious aspect feels like a breath of fresh air as we’ll finally feel some fun, friendly, and flirty energy while Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Venus in Scorpio.

Mercury rules all forms of communication while Venus encompasses everything we want in life. In a sextile, these planetary bodies are working in perfect unity, bringing a dose of excitement and positive influence to the Houses that hold both Capricorn and Scorpio in our birth charts.

Socializing feels more enjoyable now as we are provided a bit of relief to relax and unwind from all of the retrograde energy coming from Mercury and Jupiter.

Doing business is also favored now, as Venus has strong associations with our finances, and Mercury in Capricorn wants us to take any necessary actions needed to rebuild for growth and improvement.

Anyone experiencing any excessively challenging and/or stressful situations will thankfully be provided a bit of resolution during this time.

Our thoughts and actions will align in perfect harmony with our interests allowing us an excellent opportunity to resolve any conflicts and break down any barriers preventing us from making progress.


Vesta Retrograde enters Gemini


Mercury in Capricorn trines Jupiter in Taurus