Sun and Mars Cazimi in Scorpio

The rest of Scorpio Season will feel even more potent with transformative energy as both the Sun and Mars cazimi in the scorpion's tail.

This cazimi marks a pivotal moment of rebirth as we start a brand new 2-year-long cycle of renewal, providing us the opportunity to clarify our mind, body, and soul, making us more powerful than ever before and ready to recommit to our vital potential.

Anytime a planet cazimi’s the Sun, that planet experiences a reset and battery refill as this alignment creates a sort of solar purifier for our focus.

The energy naturally carried by Mars is now heightened by its proximity, and in Scorpio, this reset is sharpened.

On an emotional layer, the intimate joining of the Sun and Mars can expand our confidence, intuition, stamina, and independence.

However, on a physical layer, we can look to the house that Scorpio is in for us to see how this cazimi is providing intense clarity and resilience towards this new storyline.

(horoscopes below)

Aries: extreme transformation of property and passions

Taurus: newfound depth in romantic relationships

Gemini: reconstructed mindset + daily habits

Cancer: creativity + self expression + romance

Leo: renovated home + altered perceptions of the future

Virgo: discovery of genuine authenticity

Libra: reprioritizing personal priorities + finances

Scorpio: intense rebrand of identity + revamp in life

Sagittarius: reconditioned subconscious + letting go

Capricorn: social time with friends + sense of belonging

Aquarius: focus on career + ambitions + public image

Pisces: traveling + personal growth + reflection


Venus in Libra


New Moon in Scorpio