Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces

The air feels thick with doubt and indecision while the Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune over in Pisces. This transit is known for exhausting both our energy and health, making it hard to stay motivated for anything.

It is also stated that this transit increases our susceptibility to infections, illnesses, paranoia, and depression, as our bodies are feeling extra sensitive right now.

We can feel easily overwhelmed during this transit due to others easily causing us confusion and/or disappointment. To counter any deceptive influences, we must stay diligent as we deal with all matters, as this is not the best time for handling anything stress-inducing such as business dealings or negotiations.

However, on the positive side of this alignment, when Sagittarius and Pisces come together they create a very strong sense of ethereal energy. Our creativity and imagination will heighten immensely, making this a great time to work on any personal passions we may have.

Spiritual practices are also another way we can work with this energy in healthy and positive ways. My advice is to use the elements being activated right now in health-related rituals.

Work with the fire element from Sagittarius by lighting candles as you set strong optimistic intentions for your future; Drink plenty of water, take long showers or baths, and go to bed early to work with the watery-Neptunian energy from Pisces.


Mercury in Capricorn trines Jupiter in Taurus


Vesta Retrograde enters Gemini