Sun + Saturn conjunct in Pisces

A fascinating Pisces Stellium happens in the sky today when the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn all align in the ocean that is Pisces. I split this post up into two because there are two stories simultaneously playing out under this alignment. This is the second story: on the other hand, this Pisces Stellium could feel extremely heavy and overwhelming, as Saturn will provide us with insights regarding our responsibilities and level of maturity - that will leave us feeling emotional and more sensitive than normal.

This cazimi with Saturn now conjunct the Sun, will act as a concurrent ending and start of something new -regarding the House that this conjunction is happening in for us - and how themes involving maturity, memory, wisdom, boundaries, and responsibilities tie in.

This conjunction is like a reality check here to provide us with clarity over matters that we might have been a bit delusional over, as well as a deeper understanding of our needs/essentials vs our wants/luxuries. The wisdom we will receive, under this alignment, regarding our responsibilities will remind us of how some things just aren't meant to last and instead were here to simply provide us with important information needed for our future development.

This cazimi will spark a change that turns us away from something that wasn't meant to last in the long run. But thankfully, this ending shouldn't surprise us, as our intuition has been warning of this change for some time now. Saturn is trying to teach us, that by learning from our past experiences, we’ll be able to move forward on a more viable plan towards an even more successful dream.

We can all look to the House that Pisces is in our birth chart to find where we’ll experience this ‘for the better natural ending or shifting point’ and how we’ll begin to move forward more realistically and productively. Depending on the House that Pisces is in for us, this conjunction can affect either our work/professional life, our romantic life, our social life, or even the state of our health.

Due to Mercury’s involvement in this rare triple conjunction, Saturn will be limiting and/or restricting our ability to think or communicate clearly during this conjunction - ultimately leading us to all require some sort of transformative conversation with a loved one (either romantic, familial, or social) regarding the new direction about to take place.

I feel that those with their Saturn natively in Pisces, or people with strong Pisces placements will feel this alignment the most and must try to remember that this conjunction with the Sun and Saturn in Pisces - will happen one more time next year in March of 2025.


Mercury in Pisces sextiles Jupiter in Taurus


Uranus goes direct in Taurus