Venus enters Sagittarius

Venus has left passionate and obsessive Scorpio and entered adventurous, upbeat, and invigorating Sagittarius kicking off 2024 with an exciting bang.

While this transit does bring a sense of ease and relieves the stresses we’ve been burned by recently, it can also be seen as a bit of breezy, unbothered, happy-go-lucky type of energy. It’s nice to feel carefree, however, it is still important to remain responsible and levelheaded. We must use this confident energy to our advantage.

Venus rules everything we want in life, such as pleasure, money, happiness, and relationships. In Sagittarius, Venus is fun because here she allows us all to relax a bit while also inviting us to take risks and seek new opportunities.

This is exactly why now is the perfect time to seek new and exciting opportunities that we’ve always wanted. Travel to somewhere new, move somewhere you know you can be your authentic self, change your career path, etc.

With the planet of love in optimistic Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, we feel so much lighter and excited about the future of our relationships and what they entail. Our focus is now to have fun, do what we want, and experience things together. We're headed into a lighter, brighter era for the next few weeks, so make the most of it!

Pay attention to January 11th, when Venus in Sagittarius trines Chiron (newly direct) in Aries, on the same day as the New Moon in Capricorn. This day will be an important one to really heal any past wounds, and start fresh and new so early within our new year.

Then on the 14th, Venus aligns with the Nodes indicating that old things related to romance may resurface.

Then on the 19th, Venus will square Neptune in Pisces bringing a bit of foggy energy down to the collective. If something feels too good to be true, listen to your intuition/gut, and don't make any rash impulsive decisions.


Chiron goes direct in Aries


Venus in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn