Venus enters Scorpio

Venus in Scorpio is a very intense and passionate transit, placement, and time. When Venus is in Scorpio, our obsessions and compulsions consume our minds and bodies and we gain the confidence to indulge in our passions and intensely pursue our desires.

Venus is considered to be in detriment when in Scorpio, meaning she’s not the most comfortable, however, in Scorpio, she is highly capable of successfully chasing rather than attracting, as she is dignified in Scorpio's opposite sign, Taurus.

Venus’s energy is typically very relaxed, happy, and loving, but when in Scorpio’s fixed water, she increases her drive, passion, and determination to pursue her pleasures with the energy from both Mars and Pluto.

Venus in Scorpio is all about commitment and devotion. This is why our current commitments will evolve during this transit that lasts from December 4th - 29th. Expect significant transformations to occur that will allow our relationships to withstand the test of time.

Venus in Scorpio is also incredibly possessive, clingy, and controlling which is why we must stay mindful to not smother our loved ones and allow them the autonomy to make their own decisions and respect their choices.

Scorpio is empowered with the ability to fully express itself in the most private and intimate of places. Which is why sexual fulfillment is essential during Venus in Scorpio. When it comes to sex, as long as it is consensual, nothing is off-limits.

Those born with Venus in Scorpio are intensely passionate, strong, and sensual, while also prone to aggression, jealousy, and possessiveness.

They love the power that art and sexuality hold, as well as all of the mysteries of life and death, and related topics such as intuition, clairvoyance, magic, occultism, mysticism, and the psyche.

The Scorpion is extremely protective by nature and known for unleashing its stinger on those who hurt them or those they love. This transit symbolizes the balance between temptation and decision as it will remind us to be both cautious of our impulsive actions, and decisive when it comes to penetrating through any possible deceptions.


Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Saturn in Pisces


Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn