Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus

Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus activating our desire for change and excitement through transformative experiences. These breakthroughs can appear in various areas of our lives depending on the Houses both Scorpio and Taurus are in our birth charts.

For example: in the 5th or 7th Houses, this alignment may lead to breakups or sudden harmonious improvements within our current relationships. However, if in the 6th or 10th, this could bring changes to our daily routines, work environment, etc.

As we begin to pursue new creative directions with determination, our need to shake things up, do something different, and break apart any repetitive routines that have proved unproductive, will heighten during this time. We must take note of changes during this time as they might hint towards future shifts and experiences that will start to take shape down the line.

Changes in our day-to-day routines or finances are likely during this alignment, as our interest in experimenting with new and innovative technologies or creative processes will increase during this time. Eventually, these changes will improve our productivity and relieve the stagnant stress that we have been under. We must be very careful with our finances during this transit, by trusting our gut to only purchase necessities.

Regarding our relationships: those in relationships can prepare for an unexpected event or conversation to cause an intense amount of tension, hinting at something needing to change/evolve, for the couple to endure and remain healthy. Those single can prepare for a new romance to begin, or if already dating, to either reach a new stage of commitment after overcoming an obstacle or completely end, in order to save both persons time and energy.


Sun and Mercury conjunct in Capricorn


Mercury in Capricorn trines Jupiter in Taurus