Venus + Saturn conjunct in Pisces

This alignment with Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces, deserves a strong moment of recognition, as it is the only one of its kind for this entire year.

This conjunction stands as an essential point in everyone's lives regarding the progress and development of their personal, romantic, and spiritual selves. Because of this exact alignment, moving forward we will all collectively begin to receive/notice opportunities that will push us to mature and consolidate.

By highlighting what it is that we want and/or value the most, this conjunction will push us to evolve in ways that only deepening our commitments to both ourselves and others, could’ve done.

Regarding our romantic relationships, we’ll be drawn to now cultivating relationships based on perfect foundations (like mutual love, care, and respect, as well as shared values and aspirations).

Regarding our finances, hardships are very possible under this alignment, as Saturn (responsibilities) restricts the pursuit of our wants (Venus) by reality-checking us with things like our bank account balance or heavy situations that involve large sums of money, debt, etc.

By gravitating towards pursuits and opportunities that are more aligned with our goals, we’ll be able to better grow and evolve with this conjunction. Making responsible changes in our lives, such as budgeting, saving more, focusing less on distractions, and more on actions that align with our wants, will be key moving forward.

The fact that this conjunction is happening at 12º - which is a Pisces-ruled degree - just adds to the Piscean energy this alignment is emitting. Those born with their Venus or Saturn natively in Pisces will feel this alignment the most, as they encounter intense realizations and reality checks regarding their current wants and aspirations. Second to them, would be the rest of the Mutable Signs - Gemini, Sagittarius, and Virgo placements.

For additional insights for all the other signs, look to the House that Pisces is in for you, to find where you’ll feel this turning point/change the most.


Mars enters Pisces


Sun in Aries sextiles Pluto in Aquarius