Astrological New Year

On March 19th, 2024 at 11:06  pm EST, we’ll experience the Spring Equinox and the start of both the Astrological New Year and Aries Season, ushering in a surge of passionate productivity.

After a long and cold dark winter, the Spring Equinox is here to give us all a breath of fresh air as we begin to reenergize ourselves with some newfound energy. With the Moon currently in Leo, and both the Sun and Mercury now in Aries, this time marks an absolute fiery energetic reset as we all collectively experience a boost in drive and ambition.

Growth is the major theme for the Spring Season, which is why the Cardinal Signs - Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn - can expect to feel this energetic shift to spring forward and chase their next and newest goals the most.

Cancer and Capricorn placements can prepare to start living their lives in completely new ways, as they will be experiencing situations that feel ‘new + exciting’ to them.

Aries and Libra placements can prepare to feel energized with a boost of drive and ambition that they have not felt in months. They’ll also begin to experience major changes taking place as we enter Eclipse Season. These changes will be pivotal points from the same storyline that started back around July 17th, 2023 when the North Node entered Aries and the South Node entered Libra.

As for - Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo. Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces - look to the next slide to see where/how you should begin to feel this energetic shift.

Aries: major beginnings + goal refresh + new sense of self

Taurus: focus on finances + refocusing priorities + resources

Gemini: authentic communication + social time with siblings

Cancer: time at home and with family + focus on the future

Leo: chasing creative pursuits + self-expression

Virgo: new daily habits or work + focus on health

Libra: romantic relationships + new style + agreements

Scorpio: new wellness journey + finances + changes + trust

Sagittarius: traveling somewhere new + mental growth

Capricorn: setting new (health) goals + new opportunities

Aquarius: socializing with friends and family + future plans

Pisces: mental clarity + connecting spirituality to habits


Sun in Aries sextiles Pluto in Aquarius


Sun + Neptune conjunct in Pisces