Sun + Neptune conjunct in Pisces

While the Sun conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, we can all expect to experience a situation that reminds us that life is all about the highs and lows of reality.

Both Pisces and Neptune are known for their desire to escape and be released from the pressures of reality. Which is why, as we lead up to this exact alignment, our simple daily tasks and responsibilities can easily overwhelm and annoy us right now, as we collectively experience a deep awareness of ourselves and those around us.

During this alignment, we can all feel like we’re drowning in an ocean of our emotions - making any unexpected situations that arise - cause us to find it difficult to understand the challenges of navigating life and the purpose as to why.

Because of our hyper-sensitivity, we may be tempted to rely on familiar strategies that we typically use to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

These ‘strategies’ may include substances, addictions, or any other toxic, negative, unhealthy, bad habits. However, the purpose and lesson of this alignment is that if we are experiencing any of these urges to escape, avoid, or numb our emotions - we are invited to instead practice pausing, reflecting, and then choosing to cope and respond in different - healthier ways.

We must use this alignment to become a healthier version of ourselves moving forward into the Astrological New Year.


Astrological New Year


Venus enters Pisces