Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus

Anyone who considers themselves to be a clumsy or accident-prone person might want to keep it calm and stay in this weekend - or at least take it slow - while Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on March 9th, as this alignment can bring unpredictable obstacles to our physical reality.

Happening in 2 out of the 4 Fixed Signs means Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio placements will feel this energy the most, and should be mindful of this alignment leading up to its exact square. One of the most notable characteristics that I find all Fixed Signs to possess, is their keen observational energy - so for all 12 signs - try to be as observant and aware of your surroundings as possible.

Another possibility for this worrisome alignment is the potential for both sensory and technological malfunctions. Taurus is strongly associated with our senses and Uranus is strongly associated with our society's innovative advancements, such as technology.

This means that we should all avoid taking impulsive actions while we are prone to experiencing a lack of attention or concentration that has the potential to lead to accidents, especially when commuting or using technology.

With Mars squaring Uranus right before the New Moon in Pisces on Sunday, keeping our schedules light and manageable this weekend is our best bet. However, if there are plans we cannot change, no worries, staying aware of this alignment can help prevent any accidents and prepare us to not feel overwhelmed in case they still do.

Things might feel like they’re not working out right now or like they’re taking too long for our desired results, but the truth is this energy will pass. The New Moon in Pisces on Sunday will offer a beautiful reset for clarity within our mental landscape right before our batteries recharge on the Spring Equinox when the Sun enters Aries.


Sun in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus


Mercury + Neptune conjunct in Pisces