Mercury + Neptune conjunct in Pisces

On March 8th, Mercury will conjunct Neptune in Pisces flooding our minds with intuitive enlightenment and bringing our deepest thoughts floating up to the surface. This conjunction signals a creative reset for exploring new avenues and making changes in our daily habits.

Whether you consider yourself a creative person or not, this conjunction shines a bright energetic light on the artist in all of us, highlighting both the most beautiful side of our imagination as well as our deepest and darkest side. Our ability to connect to both ourselves and others will be heightened these next few days, as we seek breakthroughs in emotional, mental, and spiritual ways. However, for some, this energy might feel overwhelming as the potential for brain fog and mental fatigue is high.

Over the next few days, we’ll feel extra sensitive to others and the world around us, as our minds will be susceptible to picking up on things felt rather than said or done. This conjunction has the potential for both positive and negative outcomes, so we must try to search for insights rather than feel consumed by our emotions.

On the bright side of this transit’s manifestation, we’ll feel influenced by fresh new ideas and creative inspirations. Our psychic perception will feel heightened with intuitive and spiritual wisdom as we process information, connect to our souls, and express ourselves in compassionate ways. On the darker side of this transit’s expression, both our thoughts and communication could become twisted with misconception and paranoia, causing us to feel confused and irritable as we face any surfaced secrets and lies.

If we think back to when Neptune first stationed direct back in the Fall, we can recall a moment of clarity when we removed our rose-colored glasses and saw things for the reality of what they were. Now, with Neptune aligned with Mercury in his home sign of Pisces, our minds will begin to flow more clearly in the pursuit of our highest aspirations and creative or romantic endeavors.

The path between December 6th, 2023 - March 8th, 2024 has felt long and tiring, but with our objectives laid out more clearly now, we’ll be able to focus as we move forward. All signs will feel this alignment's energy, but Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio placements will feel this the most. Intuitive insights can be received through meditation, dreaming, pulling tarot cards, casting our birth charts, and even connecting to the water element.

While Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, we’ll find our minds swimming towards anything that we don't fully understand. Pisces being home to the 12th House could make many of these topics of interest connect directly to spirituality, religion, the occult, mysteries, art, and expressionism. All signs will feel this alignment's energy, but water placements (Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio) will feel this the most. Intuitive insights can be received through meditation, dreaming, pulling tarot cards, casting our birth charts, and even connecting to water through swimming, showering, or taking a bath.


Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus


Venus in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus