New Moon in Sagittarius

The New Moon in Sagittarius amplifies our desire for adventure, change, and expansion. As we begin to seek and explore new opportunities, our desire for growth and exploration will push us forward as we pursue our wildest dreams.

When a New Moon occurs in Sagittarius, it invites us to think expansively, consider all of the possibilities, and ditch our comfort zones. So look to the House that Sagittarius is in for you to find out where you want to grow and explore between now and the Full Moon in Sagittarius coming in May of 2024.

Although Sagittarius is usually a very positive and hyper-optimistic fire sign, this New Moon will actually bring up some intense emotions and feelings of uncertainty instead of spontaneity. Because despite all of this abundant, optimistic, and forward energy, Sagittarius’s ruling planet Jupiter, is currently stationing Retrograde, amplifying the confusing energy between taking immediate and impulsive action and stopping first to pause, plan, perfect, and execute.

In addition to Jupiter, Mercury has decided to start its Retrograde transit through both Capricorn and Sagittarius, just a few hours later. Thankfully, the chaos and confusion that both Mercury and Jupiter are causing, will finally come to an end on December 30th and January 1st. Remember, it’s important to take a step back and first understand the reality of what it is we truly want to achieve, especially when it comes to our financial stability and long-term goals.

We can counter these delays and setbacks by holding onto the optimistic mindset that this New Moon brings. Instead of dreading change, like natural Taurus and Capricorn energy, Sagittarius wants us to confidently take risks, embrace new opportunities, connect to our authentic selves, and explore uncharted territories.

Aries: traveling + personal growth + reflection

Taurus: transformation + rebrand + intimacy + assets

Gemini: a focus on romantic relationships + agreements

Cancer: mental/physical health + daily habits + work

Leo: creativity + self expression + romance

Virgo: home + comfort + future + foundations

Libra: authenticity + traveling + communication

Scorpio: restructure of finances + priorities + values

Sagittarius: end of a chapter/start of a brand new one

Capricorn: dreams + inner world + healing + spirituality

Aquarius: social time with friends + sense of belonging

Pisces: focus on career + ambitions + public image


Mercury goes Retrograde in Capricorn


Venus in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus