Mercury goes Retrograde in Capricorn

It’s that time of the year again... Retrograde Season is officially here from December 12th - January 1st, 2024. However, this one is a bit tricky... because Mercury direct entered Sagittarius on November 9th, then Capricorn on the morning of December 1st.

Now stationing Retrograde, Mercury will retreat in Capricorn from December 12th - 23rd, then re-enter Sagittarius from December 23rd - January 1st, 2024.

11/09 Mercury enters Sagittarius

12/01 Mercury enters Capricorn

12/12 Mercury stations Retrograde in Capricorn

12/23 Mercury stations Retrograde in Sagittarius

12/23 Mercury stations Direct in Sagittarius

01/13 Mercury re-enters Capricorn

02/04 Mercury enters Aquarius

We’ll kick off the New Year with Mercury in expansive and optimistic Sagittarius before re-entering Capricorn around January 13th, allowing us to finally take clear and realistic approaches on achieving our wildest dreams and ambitions.

The start of Mercury’s Retrograde transit coincides with the New Moon in Sagittarius and concludes around the same time Jupiter, the ruler of this New Moon, ends its 4-month-long retrograde transit.

This chaotic combination of mutable fire and cardinal earth energy is prompting us to cut right through all of the noise with brutal honesty. This transit will not sugarcoat a single struggle. Instead, we’ll have to face the raw, and often uncomfortable reality of our challenges, to come out stronger than ever before.

Remember, to start the New Year off right, we must take perfectly calculated risks when it comes to seeking our desired changes.

Aries: focus on career + ambitions + public image

Taurus: traveling + personal growth + reflection

Gemini: transformation + rebrand + intimacy + assets

Cancer: a focus on romantic relationships + agreements

Leo: mental/physical health + daily habits + work

Virgo: creativity + self expression + romance

Libra: home + comfort + future + foundations

Scorpio: authenticity + traveling + communication

Sagittarius: restructure of finances + priorities + values

Capricorn: end of a chapter/start of a brand new one

Aquarius: dreams + inner world + healing + spirituality

Pisces: social time with friends + sense of belonging


Mercury in Capricorn trines Jupiter in Taurus


New Moon in Sagittarius