Saturn goes direct in Pisces

Saturn has finally ended its retrograde journey after swimming almost 5 months through the watery depths of Pisces, bringing the opportunity to make our dreams finally come true.

We’ve taken responsibility, gained clarity, and now are finally ready to move forward and evolve in long-lasting growth-focused ways. This storyline transformation lies specifically in the House that holds Pisces in our birth charts.

Now with all of the lessons from our past, we’ll be able to put in the work and rebuild a more stable and healthy environment.

(Check below for where based on your Rising Sign)

Aries: dreams + inner world + healing + spirituality

Taurus: social time with friends + sense of belonging

Gemini: focus on career + ambitions + public image

Cancer: traveling + personal growth + reflection

Leo: transformation + rebrand + intimacy + assets

Virgo: a focus on romantic relationships + agreements

Libra: mental/physical health + daily habits + work

Scorpio: creativity + self expression + romance

Sagittarius: home + comfort + future + foundations

Capricorn: authenticity + traveling + communication

Aquarius: restructure of finances + priorities + values

Pisces: end of a chapter/start of a new one + identity


Sun in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn


Mercury enters Sagittarius