Sun in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn

Right before entering Sagittarius, the Sun in Scorpio will sextile Pluto over in Capricorn, increasing our need to succeed at any cost. This powerful aspect between fixed and obsessive Scorpio and strong and purposeful Capricorn brings an intense level of influence regarding our endurance and determination.

Pluto is transformative and the Sun brings energy and life, meaning this illumination highlights our powers or intuition to prepare for major positive changes that are coming.

Our obsessive-compulsive tendencies can lock our focus on goals we’ve been desperate to achieve. Harness this energy by targeting anything that no longer serves you, and remove, rebuild, and reconstruct.

Over the next few days, we’ll be able to strategically break apart everything that is not meant to last in our lives, by psychologically inspecting every inch of our current foundations.

Use this energy to prepare for deep transformation and a surge of interest in the occult, psyche, and spirituality.

Look to the House this alignment is happening in for you to find where you will have a tremendous amount of influence over the people in your lives.


Pallas enters Scorpio


Saturn goes direct in Pisces