Sun + Mercury conjunct in Aries

On April 11th, the Sun and Mercury will form a cazimi in Aries, creating a powerful alignment that provides the collective with a boost in energy and mental clarity/focus.

Our minds will literally become a clear blue sky as we can finally think straight, act right, and feel almost back to normal despite Mercury still stationing Retrograde. When these two planetary bodies find themselves in a conjunction a surge of unbreakable focus hits everyone.

So for the next 48 hours, while our minds and bodies are working in perfect harmony, feel free to take action over any of the situations or obstacles that have been causing us stress, make plans for the future, take the lead/action on any productive ideas, etc.

The things we’ve recently set into motion around the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries back on April 8th, are again becoming our main focus as we work on developing and perfecting them, to reach the next step/level for success.

So even though Mercury is still retrograding, the Sun who is also in Aries, (the sign of his exaltation) is providing us with some clarity regarding our adaptability so that we can conquer any of our current issues, through direct and strong intentional communication.

This time will feel really busy, full of important decisions to be made, appointments, meetings, and obligatory social interactions, but will also be a great time to share ideas, make plans, and resolve conflicts/issues.


Mars + Saturn conjunct in Pisces