Sun + Mercury conjunct in Aries
On April 11th, the Sun and Mercury will form a cazimi in Aries, creating a powerful alignment that provides the collective with a boost in energy and mental clarity/focus. Our minds will literally become a clear blue sky as we can finally think straight, act right, and feel almost back to normal despite Mercury still stationing Retrograde. When these two planetary bodies find themselves in a conjunction a surge of unbreakable focus hits everyone.

Mercury goes Retrograde in Aries
Actions will truly speak louder than words over the next 3 1/2 weeks as we experience our first Mercury Retrograde of 2024...here we go again! Typically, Mercury Retrogrades are designated periods of ‘pause and reflection’ in order for us to reframe our style of communication and ideation. However, this one will have a greater significance than the ones we’re used to, as it’ll start at the exact mid-point of our Eclipse Season.

Mercury in Aries sextiles Pluto in Aquarius
Mercury in Aries sextiling Pluto in Aquarius, creates an aspect that encourages us to light a match and burn down our mental blockages. Mercury in Aries is over having us face obstacles meant to inspire growth and instead wants us to start growing now - before we enter retrograde. This alignment with Pluto highlights and brings an intense focus down onto our perception and motivations.

Mercury enters Aries
On March 9th at 11:03 p.m. EST, Mercury, the planet of thoughts and communication, will charge head-first into the fiery cardinal sign of Aries, pushing us closer to our boldest, most instinctual and masculine, decisive side. Mercury in Aries increases our desire to take initiative as we’ll now be able to apply action to our already forward-thinking minds.