Venus enters Capricorn

Venus is the planet of love, happiness, pleasure, and creativity, while Capricorn is an earthy Saturn-ruled sign that focuses solely on success + responsibilities. So when Venus entered Capricorn on the 23rd, our relationships with both ourselves and others started to mature. Now over the next four weeks, Venus in Capricorn will focus all of our attention on logically achieving our mutual ambitions and desires.

Our standards regarding our professional opportunities, financial responsibilities, and romantic commitments will feel heightened during this transit as Venus in Capricorn wants us to be more intentional regarding our long-term aspirations.

Venus in Capricorn’s transit will reward relationships that showcase hard work and commitment to overcoming obstacles in the pursuit of growth. However, there’s also a strong business aspect, and can make this time also focus on reconnecting with our inner authority and owning up to whatever it is that we need to do in order to take our career to the next level. We might ask ourselves if we still see a future in our current career path and if we’re climbing the success ladder the way we intended to.

The result of this transit will be to have found a healthier and more stable balance between our pleasures and responsibilities.

This transit will be more impactful for those born with personal placements in the Cardinal Signs (Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, and Libra) These natives will feel more personally impacted by this transit and will be provided opportunities to focus on their maturity process, release old programming from past relationships, and embrace a new level of romantic responsibility. For insight into how or where - look to the House that Capricorn is in your birth chart.

When Venus is in an Earth sign, we feel drawn to enhance our physical connection and sensuality. In Capricorn, Venus encourages us to take charge of our pleasures and become more attuned to our body's needs.

While Venus was in Sagittarius, we focused our attention on how our relationships can act as catalysts for personal, relationship, and spiritual growth through the exploration and understanding of our connection to others. In Capricorn, Venus’s expression adopts a much more composed and structured demeanor. We'll find ourselves appreciating consistency, stability, and maturity, as we seek connections built on reliability and mutual respect. This transit inspires us to think long-term and motivates us to care for only what is truly valuable to us.

During Venus’s time through Capricorn, we’ll begin to take responsibility for our choices as we recognize the true value of commitment. With Venus in Capricorn, there's a tendency to prioritize security, stability, and long-term investments over immediate gratification and unnecessary risks. This shift influences our financial decisions, relationship dynamics, partner preferences, and where we allocate our energy, time, and resources. Throughout this transit, we’ll be drawn towards art appreciation, traditions, and the acknowledgment of their significance and lasting impact within our cultures.


Uranus goes direct in Taurus


Full Moon in Leo