Full Moon in Leo

Tonight’s Full Moon in Leo is the first of 2024. The year's first Full Moon is always astrologically significant because it can help set the tone for the rest of the year. January’s Full Moon is always noteworthy because it helps set the tone for the year ahead. We start the new year off with either reflective Cancer energy or expressive Leo energy.

You don't have to know much about Astrology to recognize Leo energy. Leo placements are vibrant, loud, creative, dramatic, and show-stoppingly loving individuals. They’re literally the embodiment of the Sun. So when the Moon, finds herself in Leo, fully illuminated by the sign of the Sun's detriment - we’ll all feel her influence.

Think back to the New Moon in Leo that happened in August of 2023, when I explained that a new beginning was starting, providing us the opportunity to enter into a new cycle of brave, courageous, fierce, and authentic self-expression. Since then, the House that Leo is in in your birth chart has experienced an entire storyline where themes of attention, acknowledgment, pride, and success developed.

Now full, this Moon is encouraging us to recognize our self-worth, acknowledge that we are incredible beings who deserve respect, know that we are deserving of love, no longer doubt ourselves or tolerate those who do not treat us accordingly, and lastly show appreciation for the loving people in our lives.

Full Moons mark the end of the lunar cycle and provide us a time to release and recognize situations in our lives on a much deeper level. Our emotions and intuition, run high under these illuminations. So on one side, Full Moons offer us healing opportunities for our hearts, relationships, and matters closest to our souls. But on the other, they can cause us to feel overwhelmed and consumed by our heightened emotional state.

Leo is a dramatic fire sign ruled by the Sun. She’s fun, wild, and gorgeous meaning this Full Moon in Leo is all about tapping into our creativity and passions. Take this weekend to recognize what about yourself and your life makes you the happiest and aligns perfectly with what your inner child has always wanted.

Aries: new creative venture + romance realizations

Taurus: home + comfort + future + foundations

Gemini: authenticity + traveling + communication

Cancer: restructure of finances + priorities + value

Leo: end of a chapter/start of a new one + identity

Virgo: inner world + finding healing + spirituality

Libra: time with friends and family + sense of belonging

Scorpio: focus on career + ambitions + public image

Sagittarius: traveling + personal growth + reflection

Capricorn: transformation/rebrand + new commitments

Aquarius: focus on romantic relationships + agreements

Pisces: mental/physical health + new daily habits + work


Venus enters Capricorn


Pluto enters Aquarius