Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will align with both the Moon and South Node in Libra at 5 degrees on March 25th, acting as a catalyst for balance, peace, and harmony - if we first shed old habits, purge unwanted weight, and heal old wounds.

Eclipses in Astrology always signal that a major change is about to occur and can sometimes feel uncomfortable as they remind us that nothing is within our control. While the South Node symbolizes our past lives and former/learned experiences, the North Node guides us toward the future. This alignment in the South Node will highlight what it is that we must release and move away from.

Since last October, we’ve all encountered transformative changes and various twists of fate that have pushed us to try to adopt a more refined and harmonious life for ourselves. Now, with this Lunar Eclipse, we must move forward from this chapter - with all of our learned lessons and new experiences - and continue creating peace for ourselves despite all of these continuous major life changes.

Keep in mind that this Eclipses storyline brought our focus to our relationships with both ourselves and others, by highlighting the imbalances brought about by our native/familiar selves. Libra is the sign of the scales, so on one side, Libra is balanced, harmonious, intelligent, motivated, and full of love. On the other, Libra is indecisive, lazy, codependent, and passive-aggressive.

However, Libra is home to Venus which is currently in Pisces - the sign of her exaltation - meaning that the changes we encounter under this Eclipse won’t be nearly as heavy as they felt back in October. Venus will also be in conjunction with Saturn - the planet of changes, responsibility, and maturity - signaling that this next chapter in our relationships (to both ourselves and others) will require more perseverance and hard work.

Lastly, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra will be making a harmonious sextile to Pluto in Aquarius - signaling that each and every one of us can expect a transformative change to play out between now and this year's October.

Throughout every Eclipse Season, we realize just how lost, stuck, stagnant, and/or confused about the direction of our lives we really were. The Eclipse’s come to help propel us forward on the paths we couldn't find ourselves. So despite these changes feeling heavy or emotional - they're genuinely meant for some sort of ‘good.’ Kind of like the universe speeding things along so that we don’t waste too much of our time on things that aren't meant for us or would've ended eventually.

However, it’s important to note, that the realization of the benefits from these pivotal moments in our lives are not typically realized until many months - years later. For additional insights, we can look to the House and/or placements that we have in Libra, to find where and how these changes have taken place.

Know that Eclipses are notorious in Astrology for always having a layer of unpredictability that we cannot foresee, so try your best to intuit the storyline that sparked last July, pivoted last October, and has continued now. Continue to release old discordant behaviors, places, people, etc., and prepare for the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries happening on April 8th, which will drastically push our souls forward in the right direction.

Aries: love life + romantic relationship + agreements

Taurus: mental/physical health + daily habits + work

Gemini: work-life balance + creativity + enjoyment

Cancer: home + family + comfort + future + foundations

Leo: authenticity + communication + traveling + connect

Virgo: restructure of finances + priorities + value + work

Libra: end/beginning + realization + progress + identity

Scorpio: inner world + emotional + healing + meaning

Sagittarius: socializing + belonging + independence

Capricorn: career + ambitions + image + responsibility

Aquarius: personal growth + beliefs + new mentality

Pisces: personal investment + abundance + opportunities


Venus in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus


Venus in Pisces sextiles Jupiter in Taurus