Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra
This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will align with both the Moon and South Node in Libra at 5 degrees on March 25th, acting as a catalyst for balance, peace, and harmony - if we first shed old habits, purge unwanted weight, and heal old wounds.

Full Moon in Leo
Tonight’s Full Moon in Leo is the first of 2024. This Full Moon is encouraging us to recognize our self-worth, acknowledge that we are incredible beings who deserve respect, know that we are deserving of love, no longer doubt ourselves or tolerate those who do not treat us accordingly, and lastly show appreciation for the loving people in our lives.

Full Moon in Cancer
Tonight’s Full Moon is both the last of 2023 and the second this year in Cancer. As beautiful as this Moon is, it has the potential to be a very emotional one. This will be especially true for anyone with their Moon natively in Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo. Collectively, this Moon is bringing the emotional depth and capability to unpack all family/domestic issues, trauma, and baggage.

Full Moon in Gemini
This Full Moon in Gemini is here to remind us of the power our words carry and the importance of being more mindful and intentional with our words, as well as releasing ways of thinking, feeling, and speaking that are no longer enhancing our life experiences.