New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries
This New Moon Solar Eclipse will align with the North Node in Aries at exactly 19 degrees on April 8th, acting as a catalyst for renewal and independence. In addition to the North Node, the Sun and Moon will also find themselves forming a Stellium in Aries with Mercury, Venus, and Chiron.

Mercury goes Retrograde in Aries
Actions will truly speak louder than words over the next 3 1/2 weeks as we experience our first Mercury Retrograde of 2024...here we go again! Typically, Mercury Retrogrades are designated periods of ‘pause and reflection’ in order for us to reframe our style of communication and ideation. However, this one will have a greater significance than the ones we’re used to, as it’ll start at the exact mid-point of our Eclipse Season.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra
This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will align with both the Moon and South Node in Libra at 5 degrees on March 25th, acting as a catalyst for balance, peace, and harmony - if we first shed old habits, purge unwanted weight, and heal old wounds.