Mercury goes Retrograde in Aries
Actions will truly speak louder than words over the next 3 1/2 weeks as we experience our first Mercury Retrograde of 2024...here we go again! Typically, Mercury Retrogrades are designated periods of ‘pause and reflection’ in order for us to reframe our style of communication and ideation. However, this one will have a greater significance than the ones we’re used to, as it’ll start at the exact mid-point of our Eclipse Season.

Mercury in Aries sextiles Pluto in Aquarius
Mercury in Aries sextiling Pluto in Aquarius, creates an aspect that encourages us to light a match and burn down our mental blockages. Mercury in Aries is over having us face obstacles meant to inspire growth and instead wants us to start growing now - before we enter retrograde. This alignment with Pluto highlights and brings an intense focus down onto our perception and motivations.

Mercury enters Aries
On March 9th at 11:03 p.m. EST, Mercury, the planet of thoughts and communication, will charge head-first into the fiery cardinal sign of Aries, pushing us closer to our boldest, most instinctual and masculine, decisive side. Mercury in Aries increases our desire to take initiative as we’ll now be able to apply action to our already forward-thinking minds.

Mercury in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus
Mercury in Pisces forms a sextile to Uranus in Taurus, creating an alignment that boosts our intellectualization, heightens our intuition, accelerates our thoughts, and inspires us to open our minds toward new possibilities. This alignment has all of our senses heightened right now, forcing us to feel and perceive things in greater detail, both empowering and overwhelming us.

Mercury in Pisces sextiles Jupiter in Taurus
Mercury in Pisces heightens our intuition and offers us a chance to perceive life in a completely new way. Now caught in a harmonious sextile with Jupiter in Taurus, this alignment pushes us to expand our minds beyond rationality and explore realms apart from our typical five senses. We’ll use this sextile to expand past our normal perception of what’s explainable and instead adopt a more - extreme - open mind. This alignment will amplify not only our intellect and level of communication but also broaden our philosophical interest and spiritual development.

Mercury in Capricorn trines Jupiter in Taurus
We can expect good news to come our way when Mercury in Capricorn trines Jupiter in Taurus over these next few days, as this transit is known for bringing optimism, good luck, and satisfaction.

Mercury goes Retrograde in Capricorn
It’s that time of the year again... Mercury Retrograde Season is officially here from December 12th - January 1st, 2024.

Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Saturn in Pisces
Now is the perfect time to plan, schedule, and organize as far in advance as possible, while Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Saturn over in Pisces.

Mercury enters Capricorn
Our minds are filled with aspirations and productivity now that Mercury has officially entered Capricorn. In Sagittarius, we opened our minds to all of what life has to offer, but now in Capricorn, we’ll begin to take clear and realistic approaches to achieve these newfound ambitions.

Mercury enters Sagittarius
Mercury leaves instinctive, intuitive, and hyper-observant Scorpio and enters Sagittarius, offering us the opportunity to broaden our minds and seek new perspectives.