New Moon in Pisces

This New Moon in Pisces is one of the closest New Moons of the year - meaning the energy from this lunation will be strongly felt - and is also the last lunation before both the Spring Equinox on March 19th and the start of Eclipse Season beginning on March 25th.

Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac calendar marking our time here as evolutionary as well as revolutionary. Things feel like they’re closing or being let go of, as we decide to move on and forward from here on. Most New Moons are motivational in some way, gently pushing us to set new intentions and pursue them. However, in Pisces, her mutable waters want us to rest, recover, and connect more instead.

Sleeping will be very important for Saturday - Tuesday nights, so please rest and recharge as much as you can. Instead of focusing on the changes taking place, the New Moon in Pisces wants us to create space for the coming change. This doesn't mean new growth isn't happening, it’s just instead helping us prepare for what is to come, by wiping the slate clean and grabbing a new book and pen, and getting ready to write the rest of our year.

This New Moon falls perfectly in the middle of Saturn - the planet of changes and responsibilities - and Neptune - Pisces ruling planet of aspirations and our subconscious minds - meaning we can literally feel and see the changes taking place. Mutable Signs - Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius will feel this New Moon the most as they get ready to embark on brand-new journeys and experiences flowing their way.

Gemini placements can expect new energy or events around their professional/career path and responsibilities. Virgo’s are focusing on connecting to their loved ones. Sagittarians are experiencing new and refreshing energy within their home environments. Lastly, Pisces placements can prepare to feel like they’re living in a dream moving forward, as they begin to experience life evolutions surrounding their physical, spiritual, emotional, and romantic lives. For all 12 signs, Monday morning will feel like a breath of fresh air as if we just plugged our charger in and are refilling our soul's battery.

Pisces Season is a highly reflective time, and with this New Moon happening, now feels like the perfect time to pause and connect to ourselves in order to move forward in our best-presenting form. What responsibilities are weighing us down? What obligations are draining our energy? Are we living in true alignment? Do our actions harm ourselves or others?

This New Moon is painful and beautiful at the same time, as it forces us to face our demons and things we are reluctant to admit to ourselves or show publicly, and rid ourselves of them. Think of this New Moon in Pisces as a cultural reset on both our mental and emotional planes.

With Mercury entering Aries, Mars squaring Uranus, and the Sun, Moon, Saturn, and Neptune all aligned in Pisces, this weekend will probably have us all feeling exhausted, emotional, burnt out and pissed. Saturday might feel energetic and lively but chaotic. Sunday might feel like a breaking point, and Monday will be when we decide to deal with our shit and start anew.

As always, check horoscopes on below based on your Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign (most importantly your Rising) and let me know how you’re feeling throughout this weekend ✨

Aries: relief + finding healing + focus on spirituality

Taurus: time with friends/family + sense of belonging

Gemini: ambitions + career + opportunities + public image

Cancer: traveling + reflection + personal growth

Leo: changes/transformation + trust + wellness + intimacy

Virgo: focus on relationships + commitments + contracts

Libra: new daily habits + mental/physical health + work

Scorpio: peace + creativity + romance realizations

Sagittarius: comfort + home + family + future + foundations

Capricorn: authenticity + traveling + communication

Aquarius: new (work) priorities + focus on finances + values

Pisces: end of a chapter/start of a new one + identity + goals


Mercury in Aries sextiles Pluto in Aquarius


Mercury enters Aries