Mercury in Aries sextiles Pluto in Aquarius

Mercury in Aries sextiling Pluto in Aquarius, creates an aspect that encourages us to light a match and burn down our mental blockages. Mercury in Aries is over having us face obstacles meant to inspire growth and instead wants us to start growing now - before we enter retrograde. This alignment with Pluto highlights and brings an intense focus down onto our perception and motivations.

This aspect also brings us answers to questions we’ve been asking. These insights may come through in the form of revelations and realizations over matters we intuitively saw coming all along.

We can all look to the House that Aries and Aquarius are in to find out where and how we can expect to receive this illuminating and transformative conversation/shift that will catalyze the way we think, speak, and do.


Venus enters Pisces


New Moon in Pisces