Mercury enters Aries

On March 9th at 11:03 p.m. EST, Mercury, the planet of thoughts and communication, will charge head-first into the fiery cardinal sign of Aries, pushing us closer to our boldest, most instinctual and masculine, decisive side.

Mercury in Aries increases our desire to take initiative as we’ll now be able to apply action to our already forward-thinking minds. Despite the hot-headed stereotype Aries placements have, from my Astro-Observations, I’ve noticed Aries (Mercurys) actually tend to communicate in a very confident, cool, calm, and collected manner. This transit won’t add the aggression you might read elsewhere, but instead, will provide us with an energizing level of confidence we have not felt in a very long while.

We’ll begin to use our passions as action-oriented fuel as we chase success over our objectives. This transit will quicken the pace of our thoughts as we’ll feel more motivated to take assertive action on our ideas and decisions. Something I love about Mercury in Aries is how we’ll all start to confidently grow away from any old and outdated narratives that we don’t want to carry with us anymore. Like, as a Libra Sun, the decisiveness feels amazing!

Mercury entering Aries also marks the beginning of a powerful energetic shift pioneering us directly into Aries Season, the Spring Equinox, and the Astrological New Year. Mercury will stay in Aries for a total of two months - as Mercury will station retrograde from April 1st - 25th - bringing us our first mercury retrograde of the year. (heads up: a very annoyed and irritable one at that)

Mercurys retrograde in Aries will be a time of pause and reflection regarding our passions and our decisiveness, as we’ll be provided a minute to strategically plan out our next steps moving forward, thus re-energizing us with a newfound drive and ambition. Cardinal Signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn - will feel this energy the most and can expect to experience significant changes regarding their ability to make action-oriented decisions towards their goals, their perception of reality, their level of communication, as well as feeling drawn to expressing themselves more assertively and directly.


New Moon in Pisces


Sun in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus