New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries

This New Moon Solar Eclipse will align with the North Node in Aries at exactly 19 degrees on April 8th, acting as a catalyst for renewal and independence. In addition to the North Node, the Sun and Moon will also find themselves forming a Stellium in Aries with Mercury, Venus, and Chiron.

Eclipses in Astrology always signal that a major change is about to occur and can sometimes feel uncomfortable as they remind us that not everything is within our control. While the South Node symbolizes our past lives and former/learned experiences, the North Node guides us toward the future. This alignment in the North Node will highlight how we must embrace change for us to finally become a successful and independent individual.

Since last year, we’ve all encountered transformative changes and various twists of fate that have pushed us to try to adopt a more adventurous, but harmonious, life for ourselves. Now, with this Solar Eclipse, we’ll begin this new chapter - with all of our learned lessons and new experiences - and continue creating space for these changes to take place. But to maintain momentum in the right direction, we must first get on the right track.

Aries is the sign of the Ram, who represents the power to penetrate and achieve through his ability to take assertive action. By showcasing strength in both physical and mental/creative ways, we can achieve wanted breakthroughs. This Eclipses storyline, on the Aries - Libra Axis, brought breakthroughs to our relationships with ourselves and others.

This storyline started around April 20th, 2023 when we experienced the Solar Eclipse in Aries, which sparked a new journey for the collective. This spark began manifesting into our reality in July when the North Node and South Node officially entered Aries + Libra.

The story continued with pivotal changes in our lives made around the Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14th, 2023, which evolved around the Lunar Eclipse in Libra that we just experienced on March 25th, 2024.

After today’s Solar Eclipse in Aries, we will collectively experience another spark of independent creativity that’ll push us to succeed, in whatever House Aries is in for us. This next chapter will play out between now and the next set of Eclipses, happening later this Fall on September 17th and October 2nd.

Eclipse Seasons have a way of making us feel lost, stuck, stagnant, confused, and exhausted regarding the direction of our lives. The actual Eclipse’s however, come to help propel us forward on the paths that we couldn't find ourselves.

So despite these changes feeling heavy or emotional - they're genuinely meant for some sort of ‘good.’ Kind of like the universe speeding things along so that we don’t waste too much of our time on things that weren't meant for us in the long run and would've just ended eventually. However, it is important to note, that the realization of the benefits from these pivotal moments in our lives are not typically realized until many months - years later.

My most important note for this Solar Eclipse is to remind you all that it will align at the exact same degree with Chiron, known as the wounded healer. This alignment will cause us to feel extremely vulnerable. Chiron has been in Aries since 2018 and will stay there until 2027. Since 2018, we have all experienced themes of independence and individualization regarding the journey of our sense of self and the pursuit of our successes.

Mercury’s Retrograde in this alignment wants us to look at this moment as a minute to pause and reflect. Acknowledge the pain and suffering you’ve endured, feel grateful for the lessons that you've learned and where this knowledge has led you, and allow yourself to begin the process of healing and evolving. Know that Venus in this alignment, will signal moments of beauty to come scattered along the way, as we move forward.

Know that Eclipses are notorious in Astrology for always having a layer of unpredictability that we cannot foresee, so try your best to intuit the storyline that sparked last year and has continued now.

For additional insights, we can look to the House and/or placements that we have in Aries, to find where and how these changes will be taking place. For help, check below for horoscopes based on your Rising Sign. (feel free to check Sun + Moon as well)

Aries: end/beginning + realization + progress + identity

Taurus: inner world + emotional + healing + meaning

Gemini: aspirations + socializing + independence

Cancer: career + ambitions + image + responsibility

Leo: personal growth + beliefs + travel + new mentality

Virgo: personal investment + abundance + opportunities

Libra: love life + romantic relationship + agreements

Scorpio: mental/physical health + daily habits + work

Sagittarius: work-life balance + creativity + enjoyment

Capricorn: home/family + comfort + future/foundations

Aquarius: authenticity + communication + traveling

Pisces: income/finances + priorities + value + work


Venus in Aries sextiles Pluto in Aquarius


Venus enters Aries