Venus enters Aries

At midnight on April 5th Venus will leave Pisces, her sign of exaltation, and enter driven and sensual Aries, her sign of detriment. In Aries, she’ll join the Sun, Mercury, Chiron, and the North Node creating a powerfully reactive and transformative stellium in the sky.

Venus will stay here until April 29th, providing us just 24 days to explore every facet of our relationships through new and ambitious eyes. This transit will feel like a journey of self-discovery, inspiring us to explore who we are both independently and within our relationships.

Venus here makes us all feel more assertive when it comes to the pursuit of our pleasures, as Aries ignites more sex, passion, adventure, and impulsiveness in our relationships. With Venus entering Aries, we’ll begin a brand new cycle through the Zodiac. This renewal will push us to reinvent and renovate both our romantic and financial lives.

In Pisces, Venus wanted us to romanticize our lives by letting us endlessly daydream, fantasize about possibilities, and pushed us to connect to others through compassion and empathy. Now, in Mars-ruled Aries, Venus will bring the focus back toward ourselves and our desires, offering us an opportunity to reinvent ourselves and our relationships with others. This transit inspires us to act as pioneers in our own lives, by giving us the confidence to showcase what makes us unique individuals.

Venus also has strong associations with our finances, style, appearance, and aesthetic possessions. In Aries, our level of autonomy regarding our ability to manifest our finances, curate our own styles, represent ourselves in an impressive form, and surround ourselves with the things, places, and people we love will become our primary focus between now and April 29th.

Until then, we’ll find ourselves feeling impulsive and spontaneous as we choose to live in the moment and act on our desires, rather than not. This could also include our spending habits, giving us the unfortunate opportunity to literally burn a hole in our pockets.

Something to make a note of is how Venus is natively home to both Libra and Taurus, making Aries and Scorpio her signs of detriment. When a planet is in its detriment, it’s said to mean that it is uncomfortably placed in an unfavorable position (Sign or House), and will not be able to reveal itself in its intended form of expression.

Through my Astro-Observations, I have witnessed proof of this, however, I have also noticed that sometimes it instead brings those with placements in detriment to lie somewhere in between the sign of exaltation and the sign of detriment. Meaning, that while we find ourselves under an Aries Venus, we might feel a bit back-and-forth between our craving for connection and our freedom to chase impulses.

Here, on the Libra-Aries axis, we fight to find the balance between being sweet vs sour, being codependent vs independent, peaceful vs chaotic, etc. making our time here feel challenging to blend. We can use this time to regain our individuality, while also investing time and energy into healthy relationships.

This transit, aligning with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries, brings us renewal and opportunities to create connections that allow us to have the space we need, obtain our desires, and express our needs, all while never compromising on our own authenticity.

Those with personal placements found in Cardinal Signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn - can expect to feel this energy the most as this transit will act as a period of renewal regarding their relationships/love lives, finances, social circles, and values systems. Everyone else can expect to embrace their individuality while also finding a way to meet both their need for freedom and their need for connection.

Again, this transit will increase our independence and individuality, while also reconnecting us with our instincts and spontaneity. But rather than acting on impulsivity, instead, try to act with intention and determination. This investment in our desires can inspire us to feel pride in our instincts.


New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries


Mercury goes Retrograde in Aries