Pluto enters Aquarius

Pluto entered Aquarius on January 21st, 2024. Because Pluto was only discovered in the 1930s, Astrologers have yet to fully understand the depth that Pluto truly brings to both our personal and collective societal lives.

This celestial body is responsible for some of this year’s most life-changing Astrology. During this once-in-a-lifetime transit into the sign of Aquarius, we’ll collectively experience a storyline like no other before. Because this is the first time Pluto has entered a new zodiac sign since 2008, over the next 20 years, we will see (on both a personal and societal level) evolutions, revolutions, and innovations, that will cause catalyzing shifts that will benefit all rather than just a few.

Pluto in Astrology symbolizes transformation, intensity, depth, mystery, death, rebirth, creation, and destruction. Pluto’s movement is like watching the eye of a storm move - it travels slowly, with intensity, and surrounds itself with power and obsession. This transformational planet has the power to bring a profound level of solidifying change to the collective. However, Pluto influences us at a really subtle level, by influencing our society as a whole. We are only indirectly influenced by Pluto since we are all part of society. For example, when there are big economic or cultural shifts, we individuals are affected as well.

Pluto has an extremely slow and intentional orbit with a few sprinkled in retrograde periods. Pluto actually entered Aquarius for the first time (since the late 18th century/in recorded history) on March 23rd, of 2023. However, Pluto retrograded back into Capricorn on June 11th, 2023, where it stayed for the rest of the year until finally re-entering Aquarius on January 21st, 2024.

Now, Pluto will only stay in Aquarius until later this year, as Pluto will dip back into Capricorn - for a second time - from September 1st - November 19th, 2024. After that, Pluto will officially return to Aquarius for good from 2024 - 2044 having a solid two decades to work its transformative magic in the House that Aquarius is in in our birth charts.

Something that I think is really cool, is how Pluto is considered a generational planet. Not only are Pluto’s transits long - but they have also been observed to have shaped the vibe, energy, and trends of the collective. Millennials were born while Pluto was in Scorpio, Gen Z was born while Pluto was in Sagittarius, and Gen Alpha was born during Pluto’s time in Capricorn. Now, with Pluto entering Aquarius, we enter a new and exciting time of game-changing innovations and redirections within our society/communities, that will focus more on humanitarianism and individuality.

Aries: aspirations + dreams + goals + social life + tech

Taurus: ambitions + career + public image + reputation

Gemini: traveling + personal growth + purpose + beliefs

Cancer: transformation + resources + intimacy + healing

Leo: romantic relationships + contracts + agreements

Virgo: mental/physical health + routine/habits + work

Libra: creativity + self expression + romance + happiness

Scorpio: home + family + comfort + future + foundations

Sagittarius: authenticity + traveling + communication

Capricorn: self worth + finances + priorities + value

Aquarius: start of an era + beginnings + identity + body

Pisces: inner world + dreams + spirituality + intuition


Full Moon in Leo


Sun + Pluto Conjunct in Capricorn