Sun + Pluto Conjunct in Capricorn
This was the last conjunction these two planetary bodies will make in the sign of Capricorn for the next 248 years. This alignment ended a 15-year-long chapter that started back in 2008.

New Moon in Capricorn
Tonight’s New Moon in Capricorn is the first of 2024. This New Moon on January 11th will bring a fresh sense of new and determined energy, lifting our spirits and reminding us that now is the best time to start new projects and begin again.

Sun in Capricorn sextiles Saturn in Pisces
As we learn to embrace responsibility and structure in our lives, we’ll begin to enhance our personal growth, career life, confidence, relationships, and overall well-being.

Sun and Mercury conjunct in Capricorn
There is something so motivational about the conjunction between the Sun + Mercury both in Capricorn. When these two planetary bodies find themselves in a conjunction a surge of unbreakable focus hits everyone.