Mercury goes Retrograde in Aries

Actions will truly speak louder than words over the next 3 1/2 weeks as we experience our first Mercury Retrograde of we go again!

Mercury officially stationing retrograde on April Fools Day - is surely a joke somehow - but the potential effects of this transit are not. Typically, Mercury Retrogrades are designated periods of ‘pause and reflection’ in order for us to reframe our style of communication and ideation. However, this one will have a greater significance than the ones we’re used to, as it’ll start at the exact mid-point of our Eclipse Season.

Just 7 days after the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra and 7 days before the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries, this Mercury Retrograde will pack a punch. In addition to its peculiar alignment between the Eclipses, Mercury will also align with Chiron.

Chiron, known as the wounded healer, has been in Aries since 2018 and will stay there until 2027. Chiron is the pain, hurt, and suffering we experience that leads to our own medicine, wisdom, compassion, and knowledge.

Meaning, that Mercury retrograding in the same sign as the North Node (our future) next to Chiron (our wounds) is guaranteed to bring up situations we have yet to fully heal and learn from. Remember, this too shall pass and that the only way to get over something is to go through it.

Aries is ruled by Mars - the planet of action, ambition, drive, passion, power, and sexuality - making the intensity we feel during this retrograde potentially push us to react in aggressive responses that we normally would not. These raw reactions could range anywhere from just experiencing extreme frustration to full-blown childish temper tantrums.

Aries is also home to the 1st House - the house of self, our bodies, beginnings, and our approach to life - making the potential for this retrograde to impact our lives in very physical ways, that push us to experience situations new and uncharted.

Mercury retrograde in Aries will be a time of pause and reflection regarding our aggression, decisiveness, and passions, as we’ll be provided a minute to strategically plan out our next steps moving forward, thus re-energizing us with a newfound drive and ambition once returning direct on the 25th.

Over the next few weeks, despite having the strong potential to experience situations that would make us feel very annoyed and irritable - make sure to double-check all messages before pressing send, take care of your car/transportation devices, and genuinely think before you speak.

  • Mercury enters its shadow on March 18th, 2024

  • Mercury stations retrograde on April 1st, 2024

  • Mercury cazimi’s the Sun on April 11th, 2024

  • Mercury conjuncts Chiron on April 15th, 2024

  • Mercury conjuncts Venus on April 19th, 2024

  • Mercury stations direct on April 25th, 2024

  • Mercury leaves its shadow on May 13th, 2024

Cardinal Signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn - will feel this energy the most and can expect to experience significant changes regarding their ability to make action-oriented decisions towards their goals, their perception of reality, their level of communication, as well as feeling drawn to expressing themselves more assertively and directly. Check your Sun, Moon, and (most importantly) Rising Sign for Horoscopes below:

Aries: beginnings + progress + identity + approach

Taurus: endings + emotional + finding healing

Gemini: aspirations + socializing + independence

Cancer: ambitions + career + image + long-term goals

Leo: personal growth + beliefs + travel + education

Virgo: assets + resources + opportunities + intimacy

Libra: romantic relationships + agreements + contracts

Scorpio: mental/physical health + daily habits + work

Sagittarius: creativity + expression + romance

Capricorn: home/family + future + foundations

Aquarius: communication + traveling + connections

Pisces: finances/income + priorities + self worth

This retrograde is going to pack a punch...if you're already feeling the chaos and want to know more about this transit: Head to the Products page to download your own Mercury Retrograde in Aries Survival Guide


Venus enters Aries


Vesta enters Cancer